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Life Is Good?

Is Life Good?

It has come to my realization that my life is good (for once).

I'm about to graduate high school and I'm headed toward college next fall. I have a job ready for the summer. I just got certified in Photoshop. And my face hasn't broken out this week.

Am I happy? Yes.

My last blog post was about how sad I was so I thought that my next blog post should be about how happy I am.

If you're in a bad place just know that it will get better. I know it seems impossible but it will. I know this happiness that I'm feeling right now won't last forever and I will be back to my sad emotional state sometime in the future and it will seem like nothing is going to be good ever again but it will be. I promise.

Life is a rollercoaster just like Augustus Waters said. Augustus Waters also said that it will only go up but he's wrong. The rollercoaster will go up and down and up again and down again but what matters is that you only look up.

Know that life will only get better, eventually. 

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